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The Book of Ruins, thought to be hidden away in Master Alloicious’s library, was, actually, in Cory Robinson’s possession.
       The Book was like no other Cory had ever read. It glowed, hummed and spoke to him, which, in his mind, was impossible. At first, he feared touching it, but his curiosity was stronger than his fear, so…
       As soon as he opened the book, he was assaulted by magic. Cory learned he had Magical Powers and from there learned where True Magic came from. He, also, learned how to tell who had certain magical talents. What had really surprised him was; that he had Dark AND White Magic within him.
        The years following his sixteenth birthday were filled with adventure, life lessons and learning about his powers. However, he didn’t know that he was being groomed for The Event that was to come in his lifetime.
       Loral Lee, The Mistress of Light and Ahaz The Possessor, Master of Dark were Cory’s teachers. As he learned both kinds of magic, The Mark of Ages appeared on his back. When the first tattoo burned his skin, this proved to the Mages of Dark and White that Cory was, truly, The Chosen.
        When The Mark was complete, Cory Robinson, a young but powerful sorcerer, was given the name: The Owner.
       Cory’s adventures continue in this tale of magic…
       How will The Owner stay neutral in the use of magic?
       How does John have magic and how was it hidden from the Realm of Magic?
       How will Damien and Chandra react when they learn three more of their children own a Mark?
       Let us begin our adventure to find answers to these questions….

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